Join FMCjuniors

FMCjuniors provides opportunities for primary-age children to learn an orchestral instrument - currently violin, flute and :clarinet.

The options for your child currently are:
  • FMCjuniors lessons in school time in violin, flute and clarinet at Church Walk School, Ulverston
  • FMCjuniors lessons in school time in violin, flute and clarinet at Sir John Barrow School, Ulverston
  • FMCjuniors lessons in school time in flute and clarinet at Our Lady of the Rosary School, Dalton-in-Furness
  • FMCjuniors lessons in school time in cello at Vickerstowen School, Walney
  • FMCjuniors mini-orchestra meeting at 9.30 - 10.15 at The Muse, Dowdales School on Saturdays in term time
We may also be able to offer lessons in other schools or out-of-school hours

Lessons, either individually for 15 minutes, or in smaller groups of two or three for 30 minutes and 45 minutes respectively, cost £17.50 a month over the full 12 months of the year.  Your child will receive 27 lessons over the year.  Some longer terms might allow us to deliver 10 lessons, where shorter ones it might be 8 lessons.  This also allows us to take other activities such as school trips into account.

Please follow the instruction below to complete our Membership Form.
  • Please complete the Personal Information part of the form in your child's name
  • Please make sure that you provide emergency contact information.  You can include as many contacts as you wish providing name, home phone and/or mobile phone number for each one
  • Please provide your email address
  • The membership type should be student
  • Please select No, Gift Aid cannot be claimed.  We are not able to claim gift aid on fees for instrument tuition
  • Select FMCjuniors School Lessons (lessons) for your child to have instrument lessons at their school
  • The select the instrument that you would like them to learn from the long list (these are all the instruments that are played in the FMC training and community orchestras!)
The remainder of the form should be self-explanatory

Click here to see our Privacy Notice, which explains how we protect your personal information, and what your rights are under the Data Protection Act

Once you have submitted the form, our Membership Secretary will check the details that you have provided and may contact to clarify anything that is unclear.  Once your membership form is processed, you will receive an email providing a user name and initial password for this web site, which will enable you to access information on the members pages.
Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Furness Music Centre